New YN27C Internal-Combustion Rock Drill & Splitter
Drilling Depth: 6M
Drill Rod: B22
Weight: 45Kg
YN27C hand-held internal-combustion rock drill is a hand-rock drilling tool which integrates small gasoline engine,compressor and rock drill. It is easy to be carried along, be suitable to work on high mountains, plains, hot and cold area with no power and no water supply and air compressing equipment, and especially suits the projects that the machine has to be carried at any time and in any area.
With turning the swing arm to running-or-stop rotation plumbum, the machine can be converted into a breaker or a hammer, for breaking, digging, splitting or ramming. The machine is suited to build of bridge, road, power station, geological exploration etc.
We can supply any quantity of the new Rock Drill & Splitter



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Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Featured machines in photos may include additional equipment. The specification do not necessarily show the standard version of the machine.
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09.00 - 17.00 hrs Monday - Friday
Not available on Saturday's or Sunday's